Tuesday 18 June 2019


                                             ADITE BANERJIE


Adite Banerjie discovered the wonderful world of books at an early age, which sparked her interest in writing. She has been a writer (in one medium or another) from the time she finished College. After a fulfilling and exciting career as a Business journalist, she turned her attention to fiction. Three of her novels have been published by Harlequin/Harper Collins India. In 2018, she embarked on her indie journey as an author-publisher. She also writes screenplays and in 2017, one of her scripts made it to the semi-finals of the prestigious Academy Nicholl Fellowships. When she is not grappling with her current work-in-progress, she enjoys spending time with her husband and watching back-to-back movies. She loves to connect with her readers through her website www.aditebanerjie.com, Facebook page (https://facebook.com/AditeBanerjieWriter) and Twitter account (https://twitter.com/adite).

Q  Are you a professional writer? What is your specific field of writing? Are there any specific reasons, for choosing this particular field?
I was a journalist before I started writing fiction. Some ten years ago, I started writing screenplays and novels. I prefer to write entertaining fiction. While romance is the primary genre, my fiction also includes elements of drama, comedy and suspense. I enjoy writing the kind of stories that I love to read.
Q  What has been the general assessment of the reviewers and readers for your books? Which particular book of yours, do you consider as the best so far, and why?  
Well, that's for the readers to say. But personally, I'm just happy writing and am glad to have found readers who enjoy reading my books. It is hard to pick a favourite, when you put in so much of yourself into every book. However, I think, the most challenging book to write was my latest release – “No Safe Zone”. But I also enjoyed writing it.
Q  Who is your role model? Have your family members and friends helped and/or contributed in any way, in your writing career?
My father is my role model. He inspired me to write fiction and I am blessed that I have been able to do so. My family has always supported and encouraged my writing and I am eternally grateful for that.
Q  Do you promote and recommend writing of books jointly? In your opinion what are the areas of benefits and problems, in such joint ventures?
In my opinion, writing is a very personal endeavour. Unless you are totally in sync with the other person, teaming up with another person may not work. However, when it works, it can be a great experience. While I have never written jointly with anyone, I have been part of joint promotions with other writers and that has been a fun experience.
Q  When & how do you get the ideas & do you immediately note them down in a diary or elsewhere?
There is no structured way of getting ideas. Anything could inspire a story idea -- be it newspaper articles, an overheard conversation, a personal memory etc. I am currently working on a new writing project and the idea was inspired by a photograph.
Q  On an average, how many months do you take to complete one book, in all respects?
Some books are easier to write than others. But a first draft could take anything between 5 to 8 months. And then there is the process of revising, editing and rewriting which could take another couple of months.
Q  Besides the quality of writing, in your opinion, what are the other factors for the success of a book?
Marketing is very important. In today's cluttered market, it is crucial that readers get to know about your book. Like Ashwin Sanghi says, "jo dikhta hai, woh bikta hai" (“What people see is what sells”).
Q  Which aspects motivate you to write books? Earning money/publicity/helping readers/self-satisfaction/others?
I write fiction primarily because I want to tell stories. But without a readership/audience, that is not possible. And I don't believe in writing for free. So, yes, money too is a motivating factor.
Q  Has Face Book helped you in any way, in your writing career or even otherwise? If yes, please elucidate.
Facebook and other social media channels are primarily tools to connect with potential readers and authors can't ignore these media, if they want their books to be read.
Q  What are the reasons for the general success of the concept of “Agents of writers” in some countries.
Literary agents pitch a writer's work to publishers and help get publishing deals for the writer. A writer is then free to concentrate on his/her writing while the pitching and selling of his/her work is left to the agent.
Q  What is your opinion about e-books? Due to this concept of e-books, is the survival of printed books in future in jeopardy?
I love e-books. As a reader, I prefer reading e-books rather than printed books. I don't think printed books are going to die out. Instead, both will continue to co-exist happily.
Q  What are your future plans for writing books?
I hope to publish my next book by end of the year. And there are many more ideas up my sleeve, which I can't wait to start work on.
Q  What is your advice to the budding authors?
They should read a lot and follow their passion.



1 comment:

adite said...

Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog.