Friday 1 January 2021






Sarah Bowman is a Children’s Author, Storyteller, educator, wife and mother. She enjoys nature and feels that God speaks to her through nature.  Sarah is also a certified yoga instructor and loves to help and inspire others to become what God has designed them to be.


Q Are you a professional writer? How many of your books have been published so far?

Yes, I am a professional writer. I have been a Published Amazon Author since 2010. I have twenty- five published books.


Q What is your specific field of writing?

I am a Children’s Author. However, I have also written poetry and have two Published Christian books.


Q Are there any specific reasons for choosing this particular field?

Yes, I have always had a very vivid imagination, even as a child. Children’s books allow me to relive the innocence of my youth. Writing Children’s Literature helps me, not to take life too seriously and that there is always room for magic and fantasy.  My books are very colorful and sugary sweet so to speak and very magical and whimsical.


Q What has been the general assessment of the reviewers & readers for your books?

I have always done well, with my books, especially in the United Kingdom and Japan. Also, all my books are available in audio format.


Q What is your own general assessment of your books?

I love my books, but just as any writer. I feel that there is a lot of improvement to be done and that I am always improving. I am always learning new styles of writing and challenging myself. I feel that no one ever reaches that perfect place in their writings. There are always some things to learn, ways to improve and perfect our craft.


Q Who is your role model?

I have never looked at many people as “role models”. I look to God, mostly. I also admire Mother Teresa. But, I would love to say Dr. Suess, because a lot of my stories are very silly and very easy to read.


Q Do you promote and recommend writing books jointly? In your opinion what are the areas of benefits and problems, in such joint ventures?

I have no objections to promoting and joining forces with other writers. However, I have always remained solo.


Q When & how do you get the ideas & do you immediately note them down in a diary or elsewhere?

Most of my ideas come from things which I have lived in my life. However, anything can inspire me. I will jot words down in rough draft writing, quite a bit. However, I am more of a feel, the emotion writer. I write when I feel the emotion to write.


Q  How did you assess the success of your books in the world, through receiving appreciation/recognition, adequate sales or in any other way?

Success can be measured in so many different ways. A person can be successful, without making tons of money, if their writings have touched or helped someone.  To become a writer, you have to really love writing and words. If that isn’t what fuels your writing, then you will not succeed, in this industry.


Q Which aspects motivate you to write books? Earning money/publicity/helping readers/self-satisfaction/others?.

Making others happy is what motivates my writings. If I can make at least one person smile, I have done my job as a writer.


Q Has Facebook helped you in any way, in your writing career or even otherwise? If yes, please elucidate.

Yes, Facebook has helped me quite a bit with advertisement of my books.


Q In your opinion, is there adequate scope for name/fame/wealth in the field of writing?

I feel that there is a lot of wealth and fame in writing. However, it takes some time to achieve that. But, we should not make fame our priority in writing. A true writer just wants his story told.


Q If you were not a writer, in what other way, you would have expressed your creativity?

I think, I would have always been a writer. However, if not, then as a person, I would have used music and/or painting to express my creativity.


Q Have your family members and friends helped and/or contributed in any way, in your writing career?

I have some great friends, who have encouraged me along the way.


Q What is your opinion about e-books? Due to this concept of e-books, is the survival of printed books in future in jeopardy?

I prefer paperback or audio books, but e-books are the way of the future.  I feel that they are fine, as long as the story is told.


Q What is your advice to the budding authors?

They should continue to write books.  Writing gives us an identity, not sure who we would be without it. They should just not give up but keep writing, perfecting their works, doing what makes them feel happy and inspired. They should keep money and fame last on their list, so that they can really enjoy writing. They should fall in love with their work.





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