Friday 29 January 2021






 Rubina Ramesh is an avid reader, writer, blogger, book reviewer and marketer. She is the founder of The Book Club, an online book publicity group. Her first literary work was published in her school magazine. It gave her immense pride to see her own name at the bottom of the article. She was about 8 years old at that time. She then went to complete her MBA and after her marriage to her childhood friend, her travel saga started. From The Netherlands to the British Isles, she lived her life like an adventure. After a short stint in Malaysia, she finally settled down in the desert state of the USA, Arizona. Living with her DH and two human kids and one doggie kid, Rubina has finally started living the life she had always dreamed about - that of a writer. 

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Q  Are you a professional writer?

I wish I could say that but I can’t even say it’s a hobby. Call it a burning passion that I am fighting tooth and nail every day, just to write a few lines.


Q  What is your specific field of writing?

Romance and Fantasy. I love both the genres so I combined them with “Asherah: A Warrior Princess”. I am planning a sequel on those lines. And next year, I plan to write only paranormal romance.


Q  Are there any specific reasons for choosing this particular field?

That of a writer or romance writer? Let me go with being a writer. I used to travel a lot. Every three years my dad would get a transfer. So writing diaries was my best friend. I suppose I should thank that habit of mine.


Q . Which particular book of yours do you consider as the best so far, and why?

“Destined”. I am playing favourites here. But Esha of Destined has touched many women’s lives, including mine. I have readers writing to me regarding how they could fight for their rights or their parent’s rights after reading my book. And a few men did write to me saying that I have shown men as heartless and money minded. Well, all I can say is that they must not have read the whole book.


Q  Did you receive appreciation/recognition/adequate sales for your books? What is your own assessment?

I am an indie author. A proud one at that. KDP dashboard is my appreciation and the emails and reviews from my readers are the recognitions. So I think I have collected a fair share of them. I am grateful to the readers & reviewers for every word posted for me. Regarding my own assessment, I would say “How can I not love my babies!!”


Q  Who is your role model?

My mirror. My struggles and my small victories teach me every day, what I have achieved and what I can.


Q  Which other author’s books, do you feel, come close to your style of writing?

I have read most of the authors & many of them are my friends. Each one has a distinct writing style and none of us ape each other. I might be inspired to write from other stories, especially, the imageries that are created while reading a book or watching a movie. But same style is very difficult to copy.


Q  Do you promote and recommend writing of books jointly? In your opinion what are the areas of benefits and problems, in such joint ventures?

I know of authors who have done it beautifully. But knowing my temperament I don’t think I can. I am too stuck up with my story line. I have a tough time listening even to my editors, so working with another author is not possible. I have tried it. But it’s dying a slow death even in our minds. But who knows? Never say, never.


Q  When & how do you get the ideas & do you immediately note them down in a diary or elsewhere?

The truth is that I start with a blank canvas. I never know where I am going with the characters or to which point they will go. I walk with them as they show me the path. The reasoning I can give you is once I write, I am bored. So once it’s out of my head, it loses its novelty. As for, where do ideas come from - even the questions you have asked are triggering a story in me.


Q  Could you share with us, an interesting event/incident/experience faced with the other writers, publishers or readers in your writing career?   

My first book was not a book, but a story in an anthology. It was with a small publisher and I was very excited. It was a story of an incident that had happened in my life. Since it was a competition, we had to get our friends to vote and comment. So there was another writer whose friends came and thrashed by story and said that since it’s a real story, I didn’t have to work too hard on it. That was my first face off with criticism in public. After that I made it a point, never to write for an anthology, never to react to criticism and never ever accept any publisher who had no respect for anyone’s story.


Q  Besides the quality of writing, in your opinion, what are the other factors for the success of a book? On an average, how many months do you take to complete one book, in all respects?

Book cover, never neglect it.  Editing bites you in your pocket but is a necessary evil. Then marketing - if you have the guts to write, you should have the lungs to scream about it. About the time taken it can be 4 months to one year, depending on where my life is at that point of time.


Q  Has Facebook helped you in any way, in your writing career or even otherwise? If yes, please elucidate.

You and I met on Facebook, right? Like that so many readers and fellow authors have come together due to our dear Facebook. Don’t underestimate the power of Facebook.


Q  In your opinion, is there adequate scope for name/fame/wealth in the field of writing? Which aspects motivate you to write books? Earning money/publicity/helping readers/self-satisfaction/others?.

Name and fame, may be and wealth - depends. If you write one book and expect it be become the next Harry Potter, don’t forget, it’s a series. Regarding aspects motivating for writing, my answer is “Each one of them and more, but may not be in that order.”


Q  What are the reasons for the general success of the concept of “Agents of writers” in some countries?

They are the keys to the lock that the authors can’t open otherwise. It depends also on the fact what an author wants. If you want to be a trad published author - you need them. If you want to be an indie author - well, you have to be that key.


Q  If you were not a writer, in what other way, you would have expressed your creativity?

Web-designing. I am going to start something new soon and will update as soon as I am done. I feel that it would be good for the authors.


Q  Have your family members and friends helped and/or contributed in any way, in your writing career?

Friends have contributed a LOT. I am damn lucky that way. Family leaves me alone when I write. My kids know that mommy is busy now and they won’t disturb me when I do sit down to write. That’s help enough.


Q  What is your opinion about e-books? Due to this concept of e-books, is the survival of printed books in future in jeopardy?

This is a tricky question. There was a time when I loved paperbacks. But today when I can carry hundreds, if not thousands of books in my kindle, why should I be happy with anything less?


Q  What is your future plan for writing books?

This year I have a series of three, based on the life of Maya coming out. One fantasy and my next is a short rom-com called The Imperfect Bride.


Q  What is your advice to the budding authors?

Just write – publish--write and there is no other mantra. Don’t go for buy backs. It will sadden you when you get your KDP report. No money earned and all money gone. So giving false projections with buy backs is stupidity, since you are not gaining any readers. But then I am a firm believer of,  “to each his own”. That’s my mantra.



Rubina Ramesh said...

Thank you so much Vijai for this lovely interview. Will cherish it for a long time. I wish you and your blog my very best.

Dola said...

Great interview and insights!

Sonia Rao said...

Wonderful questions and fabulous answers. A splendid interview. Kudos, y'all <3

Ria Gomes said...

What insightful questions and answers. Thanks to you both, Vijay and Rubina.

Aparna said...

Nice interview Rubina...